All names was change, to make it anonymous.
Viagra is an erectile dysfunction medication and has many happy customers. One of the best ways to help decide if a product is effective, read up on the customer reviews.
Tim and Marge report their sex life hit the skids after many years of being married. The main problem was Tim’s inability to generate and sustain an erection. They were only making love once a month and it was not acceptable to either one.
Tim decided to order Viagra online and the day it arrived, it was a whole new day for both of them. Tim took a Viagra 50mg pill and the two raced up stairs. That little blue pill put the zippity back in their doo dah. Tim suddenly felt like a teenager again, when Tim and Marge would make love three times a day. Tim and Marge report their sex like is back on track and they are enjoying each other again.
Albert and Alice noticed Albert’s desire for sex was diminishing. He was having trouble maintaining an erection and at times, wanted to avoid an intimate connection with the love of his life. He had a thorough physical and was given a clean bill of health, except for erectile dysfunction. Alice gave Albert a box of Viagra for his birthday and after one Viagra session, Albert declared it was the best birthday present of all. Albert continued to use Viagra and the two made great music together for many years to come.
Paul was just 45 when he started experiencing erectile dysfunction. He was fit, exercised appropriately and watched what he ate. His doctor recommended he try Viagra. Paul ordered small package online and was delighted with the results. His wife was more than pleased with the effects and the renewed interest both he and his had in their relationship. One pill about an hour before sex was all it took. Paul has been using Viagra since and he thanks his doctor every chance he gets for the advice.
Bob has been suffering from erectile dysfunction for several years. It not only effected his erections, it affected his confidence. He confided to a friend of his problem and his friend said he had the answer. Bob received two, 100 milligram pills from his friend and instructions to take it. Bob decided to start with a half of Viagra to check the kinds of effects it really had. Bob couldn’t believe the result. He and his girlfriend made love all night long and were ready to go again multiple times.